My 2nd trip to Saigon Part II

Our Vietnamese friend and his wife rode their motorbikes and took us to the other side of the Saigon river. It was outstanding to look at the city from the other side of the river. It was such a beautiful sky line. Many people parked their motorbikes to watch the sunset or fly kites. I didn’t see any foreigners at this side at all. Woo hoo! we are the only foreigners even though nobody knows because they think I look Vietnamese.

riding motorbike in Saigon with our Vietnamese friend

riding motorbike in Saigon with our Vietnamese friend


We had dinner at a local restaurant. Of course, we let our friends order everything because we can’t read and speak Vietnamese (but the waitress still kept asking me something!)  Our appetizer was Lotus stem. It’s not spicy at all but it had a taste like perfume! Can you imagine???

Lotus stem

Lotus stem


Our friend said he ordered 1 Duck . The whole duck would come in  3 dishes. Our first duck dish was stir-fried vegetables (Gourd, cauliflower, bell pepper, carrot, mushroom, green onion, duck liver, duck heart, and duck gizzard).

Stir fried vegetables with duck liver, duck heart, and duck gizzard

Stir fried vegetables with duck liver, duck heart, and duck gizzard


The next one was roasted duck meat. I love the brown sauce with garlic that came with this dish. One of the sauces that came with was fermented tofu and I don’t like it at all. It makes your tongue tingle.

roasted duck meat

roasted duck meat

many choices of dipping sauce

many choices of dipping sauce


The last one was a hot pot with duck bones in the red curry with taro. They had a big basket of vegetables such as morning glory and also fresh rice noodles. After the soup boiled, you put vegetables inside to cook them. The soup wasn’t spicy but a bit sweet.

Duck hot pot

Duck hot pot

Morning glory, rice noodles, and taro

Morning glory, rice noodles, and taro


We had a waitress who took care only our table. She kept putting big ice cube in to our glass of beer 🙂

Big ice cube with beer

Big ice cube with beer


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